Directions: Select the earache symptoms that most closely match. If symptoms change, select a remedy that matches the new symptoms.
Dosage: At onset of symptoms, take 6C or 12X every 2-3 hours or 30C every 4-6 hours.*
- When symptoms improve, stop. Repeat if symptoms return, but not more than 4 times daily.
- If no improvement after 3 doses, try a different remedy
or see the Dosage Chart
- To avoid complications, if a self-selected remedy – however well indicated – doesn’t help your child’s earache, and there is a high fever or severe pain for more than 24 hours or any fever or pain after 48 hours, you need to seek medical expertise. A doctor will provide a diagnosis and/or a professional homeopath can evaluate your symptoms in the context of the whole person, especially if infections are chronic.
Symptoms | Remedy |
Hylands Baby – Infant ear drops – up to 3 yrs
Similason Kids Ear Relief Drops – 2 yrs and up
Similason Ear Relief – 12 yrs and up
Ear pain due to:
Hyland’s Earache drops – 2 yrs and older or Hylands Earache relief – ages 2-12 yrs
Mercurius Solubilis or Mercurius Vivus
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