Choose a remedy: No one has all the symptoms of abscess or boils so choose based on the most prominent ones. If symptoms change, take a remedy that matches your new symptoms.
Dosage: For acute pain, take 6C or 12X every hour for up to 10 doses* or 30C two-three times a day while red, swollen and painful** or for lingering infections, take 6X one to two times/day for 7-14 days.** Decrease dosage until pus is no longer coming out, swelling is down, and redness improved. Or, see the Dosage Chart
- If no improvement after twelve hours/overnight, try a different remedy.
- See your medical provider if an abscess or boil is accompanied by fever or there is a red streak from the area.
- If a self-selected remedy – however well indicated – doesn’t help, you need to seek medical expertise. A doctor will provide a diagnosis and/or a professional homeopath can evaluate your symptoms in the context of your whole person.
Symptoms | Remedy |
To help soothe, heal skin after abscess. View Remedy |
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