Choose a remedy: If hangover symptoms change, take a remedy that matches your new symptoms.
Dosage: Take 6C, 12X, or 30C every two hours up to three doses.*
- When symptoms improve, stop taking the remedy.
- Repeat if symptoms return
- If no improvement, try a different remedy that more closely covers your symptoms
- If a self-selected remedy – however well indicated – doesn’t help and your hangover symptoms are severe, more than you would expect, you need to seek medical expertise. A doctor will provide a diagnosis and/or a professional homeopath can evaluate your symptoms in the context of your whole person.
Symptoms | Remedy |
Boericke W. Materia Medica with Repertory, 9th Ed. Boericke and Tafel, CA. 1927: pp. 80, 134, 292, 382, 843
*Jonas, Wayne, Jacobs, Jennifer. Healing with Homeopathy. Warner Books, NY. 1996: p. 238-39.
Lockie, Andrew, The Family Guide to Homeopathy, Fireside, 1st Ed., New York, NY (1993), p. 109, 134.
Schalts E. Easy Homeopathy. McGraw Hill, NY. 2005: p. 213.