Choose a remedy: No one has all the symptoms so choose based on the most prominent ones. If symptoms change, select a remedy that matches the new symptoms.
Dosage: Take one 30C every 4-6 hours or 12X or 6C every 2-3 hours.* Or, see the Dosage Chart.
- Stop as soon as symptoms improve.
- If no improvement after a day, try a different remedy
- If a self-selected remedy – however well indicated – doesn’t help and your symptoms are more than you would expect for a sinus complaint, you need to seek medical expertise. A doctor will provide a diagnosis and/or a professional homeopath can evaluate your symptoms in the context of your whole person.
- Avoid medicated cough drops with camphor, eucalyptus, menthol as these may antidote homeopathic medicine.
Symptoms | Remedy |
Sinusalia (new name is Sinus Calm)
Boericke W. Materia Medica with Repertory, 9th Ed. Boericke and Tafel, CA. 1927: pp. 117, 262, 267-68, 291, 347-49, 408, 431-33, 474-75.
Castro, Miranda. The Complete Homeopathy Handbook, St. Martin’s Press, New York, NY, (1990), p. 109, 169.
Fixen A. Homeopathy in the Age of Antimicrobial Resistance: Is it a Viable Treatment for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections. Homeopathy. 2018 May; 107(2): 9-114.
Frei, Heiner. Polarity Analysis in Homeopathy. Narayana Verlag, Germany. 2013.
Friese KH, Zabalotnyi D. Homeopathy in acute rhino sinusitis: a double-blind, placebo controlled study shows the efficiency and tolerability of a homeopathic combination remedy. HNO. 2007 Apr; 55(4): 271-77. (98.6% of patients treated with homeopathic product experienced resolution or improvement of symptoms compared to placebo – 88.9% did not improve.)
*Jonas, Wayne, Jacobs, Jennifer. Healing with Homeopathy. Warner Books, NY. 1996: pp. 205-207.
**Kneis KC, Gandjour A. Economic evaluation of Sinfrontal in the treatment of acute maxillary sinusitis in adults. Appl Health Econ Health Policy. 2009; 7(3): 181-91. (Use of Sinfrontal cheaper and more effective than conventional care)
Kruzel. Thomas. The Homeopathic Emergency Guide. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA. 1992: pp. 286-91.
Lockie, Andrew, The Family Guide to Homeopathy, Fireside, 1st Ed., New York, NY (1993), pp. 177.
Morrison, Roger, Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Hahnemann Clinic Publishing, Grass Valley, CA. 1993.
Murphy, Robin. Nature’s Materia Medica, 3rd Ed. Lotus Health Institute, VA. 2006.
Nayak C, Singh V, Singh VP. Homeopathy in chronic sinusitis: a prospective multi-centric observational study. Homeopathy. 2012 Apr; 101(2): 84-91.
Phatak SR. Concise Repertory of Homeopathic Medicines, 4th Ed. B Jain Publ. India. 2005: p. 290.
Samet, Lisa. Homeopathy for Sinus Pain. March 29, 2017.
Schalts E. Easy Homeopathy. McGraw Hill, NY. 2005: p. 237-38.
Vermeulen, Franz. Prisma, 3d Ed. Emryss by Publishers, Netherlands, 2004.
**Zabolotnyi D, Kneis K, Richardson A, et al. Efficacy of a complex homeopathic medication (Sinfrontal) in patients with acute maxillary sinusitis: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, multi center clinical trial. Explore(NY). 2007 Mar-Apr; 3(2):98-109. (Sinfrontal is safe and effective for acute maxillary sinusitis)