Choose: If all the stye symptoms are not present for a given remedy, choose the remedy that most closely matches your symptoms.
Dosage: If symptoms came on fast, take 30C every four hours for up to 3 doses. If symptoms are less severe, 30C twice a day for 2 or 3 days* or 3C-6C daily up to 10-14 days.** Or, see the Dosage Chart.
- When symptoms improve, stop taking the remedy.
- If no improvement, or symptoms get worse, stop taking the remedy.
- If a self-selected remedy – however well indicated – doesn’t help and your symptoms are not resolving, you need to seek medical expertise.
Symptoms | Remedy |
Castro, Miranda. The Complete Homeopathy Handbook, St. Martin’s Press, New York, NY, (1990), pp. 193.
**Cummings S, Ullman D. Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines. 3d Ed. Tarcher/Putnam NY. 1997: pp. 249-52.
Hershoff, Asa. Homeopathic Remedies. Penguin Putnam, NY. 2000; pp. 158-59.
Kent, James T. Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, 6th American Ed. B Jain, Publ, India. 2000: p. 266.
*Jonas, Wayne, Jacobs, Jennifer. Healing with Homeopathy. Warner Books, NY. 1996: pp. 230-35.
Lockie, Andrew. The Family Guide to Homeopathy. Simon & Schuster, NY. 1989: pp. 165-66.
Morgan, Lyle. Homeopathic Medicine: First-Aid and Emergency Care. Healing Arts Press, VT. 1989: p. 89.
Murphy, Robin. Homeopathic Clinical Repertory, 3d ed. RR Donnelly & Sons, Va. 2005: p. 664.
Murphy, Robin. Nature’s Materia Medica, 3rd Ed. Lotus Health Institute, VA. 2006.
Phatak, SR. A Concise Repertory of Homeopathic Medicines, 4th Ed. B Jain, Publ, India. 2017: pp. 134-35.