Dosing: Match the remedy as close as possible for the tooth ache symptoms you experience.
- 6C, 12X or 30C every two-four hours depending on severity for up to three doses.* Or, see Dosage Chart.
- If no improvement, try a different remedy
- Stop when improving.
- Repeat if pain returns.
- If a self-selected remedy – however well indicated – doesn’t help and your symptoms do not improve or your tooth pain is chronic, see your dentist. Your dentist will provide a diagnosis and if appropriate, a professional homeopath can evaluate your symptoms in the context of your whole person.
Symptoms | Remedy |
or if related to a very painful dental procedure:
Note: Chamomilla tincture can be helpful for nerve pain
Plantago tincture
or |
View Remedy |
View Remedy |
Allen, H.C. Allen’s Keyotes, 10th Ed. B.Jain Publ. New Delhi. 2017: p. 469.
Bhosale S, Varekar A, Akalekar V, Chougule P. Role of Homeopathy in Toothache. Intl. J. of Medical Science and Dental Research. Sept-Oct 2024; 7(5): 74-78.
Castro, Miranda. The Complete Homeopathy Handbook, St. Martin’s Press, New York, NY, (1990), pp. 195.
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**Hoseinishad M, Nosratipour A, Moghaddam S, et al. Homeopathy in dentistry: A review. Int J Contemp Dent and Med Reviews. Aug 2015.
*Jonas, Wayne, Jacobs, Jennifer. Healing with Homeopathy. Warner Books, NY. 1996: pp. 240-41.
Lockie, Andrew, The Family Guide to Homeopathy, Fireside, 1st Ed., New York, NY (1993): pp. 182-83.
Mathie RT, Farrer S. Outcomes from homeopathic prescribing in dental practice: a prospective, research-targeted, pilot study. Homeopathy. 2007 Apr; 96(2): 74-81.
Morrison, Roger. Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology. Hahnemann Clinic Publishing, CA. 1998: pp. 63-70.
Murphy, Robin. Nature’s Materia Medica, 3rd Ed. Lotus Health Institute, VA. 2006.
National Center for Homeopathy. Find a Remedy.
Schalts E. Easy Homeopathy. McGraw Hill, NY. 2005: p. 133.
Ullman, Dana, Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants, Penguin Putnam, New York, NY (1992), pp. 131-32.
Wander, Phil. Dental Homeopathy. British Homeopathic Association. 2004. (Retrieved on Apr. 15, 2020)