Choose a remedy: Choose your remedy based on the most prominent symptoms. If symptoms change, take a remedy that matches your new symptoms.
Dosage: Unless otherwise recommended below: 3 doses of 30X, 6C, 12C, 30C over 24 hours; or see the Dosage Chart
- If relief is given but not completely, spread out doses for up to several more days.
- Stop when very much improved.
- If no improvement after twelve hours/overnight, try a different remedy.
- The mother can take a remedy recommended for the nursing infant – it will pass to the baby.
- See your provider if problems persists, or if you have a fever.
- Nothing in this list is a substitute for regular visits or a call to your provider if you are worried.
- If a self-selected remedy – however well indicated – doesn’t help, you need to seek medical expertise. Your provider will diagnose you and/or a professional homeopath can evaluate your symptoms in the context of your whole person.
Symptoms | Remedy |
Bryonia 9C -plus- |
Pulsatilla 30C
Agnus castus 6C
Dulcamara 6C
Choose the best fitting remedy below:
China (Cinchona) |
but, if no relief, try:
Allen, HC. Allen’s Keynotes, 10th Ed. B. Jain Publ. India. 2005: pp. 9-10, 13, 67, 238-39, 283-84.
Berrebi A, Parant O, Ferval F, et al. Traitement de la douleur de la montée laiteuse non souhaitée par homéopathie dans le postpartum immédiat. [Treatment of pain due to unwanted lactation with a homeopathic preparation given in the immediate post-partum period]. Journal de gynécologie, obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction 2001; 30:353–357.
Boericke, William. Materia Medica with Repertory, 9th Ed. Boericke and Tafel, CA. 1927: p. 852.
Castro, Miranda. Homeopathy for Mother and Baby. McMillan Publ, London. 2005; pp: 162-67
Essential Curriculum for the Childbearing Year. Homeopaths without Borders. 2018: pp. 177-78.
Hering, Constantine. The Homoeopathic Physician. Boericke & Tafel, NY. 1857: pp. 290-93.
Kruzel. Thomas. The Homeopathic Emergency Guide. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA. 1992: pp. 241-42.
*Lockie, Andrew and Geddes, Nicole. The Women’s Guide to Homeopathy. St. Martin’s Press, NY. 1994: pp. 139-40, 157, 220.
Morrison, Roger, Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Hahnemann Clinic Publishing, Grass Valley, CA. 1993.
Murphy, Robin. Homeopathic Clinical Repertory, 3d ed. RR Donnelly & Sons, Va. 2005.
Murphy, Robin. Nature’s Materia Medica. Lotus Health Institute, VA. 2006.
Phatak, SR. A Concise Repertory of Homeopathic Medicines, 4th Ed. B Jain, Publ, India. 2017: pp. 254-257.
Phatak, SR. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines, 2d Ed. J Pain Publ, India. 2017.
Ullman, Dana. The Consumers Guide to Homeopathy. GP Putnam Sons, NY. 1995: pp. 205-208.